EGRISS comprises members from 61 national statistics authorities from regions and countries affected by forced displacement and statelessness. In addition, 38 regional and international organizations also take part. Openness and inclusivity are critical aspects of the EGRISS methodology, welcoming collaboration with new, relevant partners from the statistical community. The map below offers an overview of the country members as of July 2024.
Members join with different capacities, areas of expertise and interest. Some focus on refugee statistics, others on IDPs and others on statelessness, whilst many have multiple areas of interest connected to the EGRISS mandate. Through its broad membership, EGRISS activities and products benefit from varied input and perspectives and remain relevant to the reality on the ground as this pertains to the production of statistics on vulnerable populations often living in precarious situations in contexts where statistical systems are either weak or already over-burdened.
Please contact the Secretariat if you are interested to join or learn more about EGRISS.

Country members
Institutional Members