Technical Support

©UNHCR/Victoria Andrievska

The Expert Group on Refugee, IDP and Statelessness Statistics (EGRISS) is available to provide technical support through its members as a group that brings together a hub of relevant expertise. Requests for technical support are open to all institutions of national statistical systems (NSSs) working in the area of forced displacement or interested in strengthening their engagement in this topic. 

Since 2021, EGRISS has received formal requests for technical assistance from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (SSS), Somalia National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS), the Kurdistan Regional Statistics Office (KRSO) and the National Institute of Statistics of Djibouti (INSTAD).

technical support
How can a technical support request be submitted?

To request technical support, please send a formal letter or other correspondence as needed to the EGRISS Secretariat at [email protected]. 

In your communication kindly include: ‘Technical support request from XXX’ subject line, institutional details, contact details of at least one individual focal point and a brief description of the technical support needed. 

Potential requests may include advice of support to country-level implementation of the International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics (IRRS), the International Recommendations on IDP Statistics (IRIS), or the International Recommendations on Statelessness Statistics (IROSS).

Support aims to complement these resources and others accessible through the EGRISS e-learning course and Compilers’ Manual by tailoring assistance to a specific national context and/or data production process.

What happens once the request has been submitted?

Requests are received and reviewed by the Secretariat who will consult with the Steering Committee and relevant EGRISS members before responding. Consultations consider the relevance of the request for EGRISS’ work and the group’s capacity to adequately respond. A response can be expected in 4-8 weeks. 

The process follows an established Standard Operating Procedure. For any questions or more information, contact us at [email protected]. EGRISS Technical Support is here to assist you!

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