
EGRISS’ third phase (2020-2024) focuses on supporting the implementation of the International Recommendations on Refugee and IDP Statistics (IRRS and IRIS). Through a range of activities organized and implemented by the EGRISS Secretariat and a series of Technical Subgroups under the guidance of our Steering Committee, EGRISS aims to improve the availability of quality data on these populations produced in coordination with national statistical systems. In the long run, improved official statistics can inform policymaking, planning, and monitoring for refugees and IDPs, both nationally and globally.

activities diagram

Compilers’ Manual

The Compilers’ Manual is a practical guide to support countries to put the International Recommendations on Refugee and IDP Statistics into practice. 

Methodological refinement

Methodological refinement

Through research and expert dialogue, EGRISS is continuously refining existing methodological guidance and filling gaps in the International Recommendations and the Compilers’ Manual.



Advocacy and dissemination events are regularly organized to share lessons learned and best practices from implementing the IRRS and IRIS.



In partnership with the United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP), EGRISS is developing an e-learning course on ‘Official Statistics on Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.’


Trainings and workshops

Several trainings and regional workshops have been organized by EGRISS jointly with relevant inter-governmental and statistical capacity development partners to strengthen the capacity of experts working on forced displacement statistics.

technical support

Technical support

EGRISS functions as a pool of technical experts providing direct technical support for the implementation of the International Recommendations on Refugee and IDP Statistics at national level.