Sustainable Development Goals
©UNHCR/Esther Ruth Mbabazi
Through its participation in the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goals Indicator Framework (IAEG-SDGs), EGRISS has contributed to the identification of priority SDG indicators that should be disaggregated by displacement status. These indictors – see list of 12 in the below table – were identified through a consultative process of EGRISS members based on analysis of the SDG framework and consultation with policy experts working in refugee and internally displaced persons settings.
These indicators were identified in 2018 and submitted through the IAEG-SDGs to the UN Statistical Commission in 2019 as part of its workstream on Data Disaggregation. The working group mapped out existing Dimensions and Categories for data disaggregation of global SDG indicators and identified a list of Policy Priority Inputs to inform future disaggregation plans.
In addition, in 2021, the group developed a Compilation of Tools and Resources for Data Disaggregation that also included contributions from EGRISS and EGRISS members.

Additional Resources
EGRISS Methodological Paper: Capturing priority SDG indicators in refugee, internal displacement and statelessness contexts
Prepared by the Technical Subgroup 2, this paper identifies considerations that may be required to produce better data on refugee, IDP and stateless populations for 14 SDG indicators
Compilation of tools and resources for data disaggregation
Prepared by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs)
and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) (2021)
Data Disaggregation of SDG indicators by forced displacement
Report by the Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)