Principles & Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses
©Statistics South Africa (Stats SA)
The United Nations Expert Group on the Revision of the Principles and Recommendations (P&R) for Population and Housing Censuses is led by the UN Statistics Division. It is working towards the modification of the publication for the 2030 census round, which will focus on global and high-level recommendations, considering regional contexts and the diversity in the level of statistical capacity across nations.
At the first Meeting of the Expert Group, held online in May 2023, seven Task Teams were established to address critical revision themes identified by the group. These teams will review specific text sections, making necessary changes and updates based on their discussions. Proposed revisions will be presented to the full Expert Group for approval. The second Meeting, held from the 13th to the 15th of December 2023 in New York, brought together over 35 representatives from NSOs and international organisations to review the draft version of the revised P&R.
The Task Teams are working during 2024 to undertake the agreed upon revisions and will meet in August to finalise substantive elements of the draft. The completed revision of the Principles and Recommendations will be submitted for endorsement by the Statistical Commission at its 56th session in 2025.
The International Recommendations on Refugee, IDPs and Statelessness have been recognised as one of key contributions to the document for the 2025-2035 round of Population and Housing Censuses, and EGRISS participation in the task team will help achieve harmonization of the instruments. With this goal, key topics to review are: difficult to enumerate groups (involving refugees and IDPs) and the reason for change of usual residence and immigration (specifically for IDPs). Following the general approach, these include consideration for both traditional and register-based census.
The EGRISS Secretariat has joined Task Team 7 ‘Recommended topics on population and
housing characteristics’, to contribute to the overall P&R revision and specifically to the objective centered around harmonization of concepts, definitions, and classifications in the P&R with other international recommendations and guidelines.
Timeline of the P&R revision