The 3rd International Forum on Migration Statistics

24-26 January 2023

The 3rd International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS) took place 24-26 of January in Santiago, Chile. The Forum was jointly organized by IOM, UNDESA and OECD, and hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Forced displacement was a central theme throughout the Forum and the collaborative efforts of EGRISS members received significant attention and interest from participants.

The opening plenary heard from the Director General of IOM highlighting the work of EGRISS and the International Recommendations on IDP Statistics (IRIS) in particular. This was soon followed by a parallel session, co-organised by EGRISS-ISWGHSJDC-UNHCR, on “Promoting inclusive official statistics on migration, forced displacement and statelessness” that benefitted from insights of National Statistical Offices of Morocco and Colombia, and regional/global  perspectives from Statafric, UNHCR and the JDC.

UNHCR’s Chief Statistician and the Head of EGRISS Secretariat elaborated further on the subject in two additional sessions on “migrants in vulnerable situations”, highlighting challenges and opportunities to improve data on refugees and IDPs with a particular focus on national statistics and the game-changing role of international statistical recommendations on these groups.

On day two, EGRISS capacity building group presented on its efforts and partnerships at the regional level, highlighting the added value of intra- and inter-continental learning. JIPS chaired the event with panelists from IGAD, Statistics Sweden, SG-SICA, IOM and Mexico. Several other sessions, such as one organised by IDAC drew attention to the work of EGRISS and the critical role that improved official statistics must play. During the closing ceremony of the Forum, the Executive Secretary of ECLAC highlighted work ongoing in the SICA region and the importance of implementing the IRIS, helping to cement the central role that forced displacement held in the event overall.

Relevant Resources:

Executive Summary Report