26-28 September 2023
The Statistical Conference of the Americas for the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEA-CEPAL) established a working group on migration and forced displacement statistics within the 2024-2025 work plan. The submission was made by members of the Latin America and the Caribbean Task Force which is part of EGRISS’ Technical Subgroup 1 on ‘Regional Engagement and Capacity Development’. The working group proposal was presented by Honduras’ INE and formally approved at the CEA’s annual meeting held 26-28 September.
Aiming to strengthen capacities of the region’s National Statistical Offices,, expected results include coordinated implementation of the International Recommendations on Refugee and IDP Statistics, a review on available data and guidelines, including an indicator framework for monitoring progress to global commitments. Honduras’ INE will lead the initiative and countries will be invited to join in October 2023.
Institutional members include the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Joint IDP Profiling Services (JIPS), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and the Central American Statistical Commission (CENTROESTAD) of the of the System of Integration of Central America (SICA), who will remain engaged to provide technical advice to the group’s activities.
Relevant resources:
Resolution 13(XII) of the Twelfth meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas