8-9 November 2022
On 9 November, EGRISS was invited to participate at the 13th Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs in a session dedicated to data disaggregation and inclusive data. Felix Schmieding from the WB-UNHCR Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement and co-lead of EGRISS subgroup 3 presented on the Expert Group’s efforts developing user friendly, practical guidance and investing in awareness raising & capacity development to enable statistical inclusion of refugees and IDPs in national statistical systems. The event served as an opportunity to showcase the work done on the upcoming E-Learning (planned to be launched in December 2022) and the revision of the Compiler’s Manual for practitioners, currently in progress.
In addition, the presentation addressed the importance of including refugees and IDPs in SDG indicators, as well the challenges that come with disaggregating data by forced displacement status and how this is connected to insufficient inclusion and identification of these populations in national data production. Lasty, the address highlighted the growing momentum to implement the International Recommendations on Refugee and IDP Statistics (IRRS & IRIS) in national surveys, censuses, and administrative data.
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