UN Statistical Commission Side Event

Leaving no one behind: Improving Statistics on Statelessness

25th February 2021

EGRISS, together with UNHCR and UNFPA, convened a side event on the margins of the UN Statistical Commission to raise awareness of the need to improve statelessness statistics at country, regional and global levels. The event brought together a diverse range of stakeholders and presented information about statelessness and growing political momentum to address it, linked to the #IBelong Campaign and the Global Action Plan to End Statelessness 2014-2024.

It aimed to inform the statistical community about the scarcity and limited quality of official statistics on statelessness, and to highlight the importance of developing statistical standards. It brought attention to ongoing efforts to develop a new set of International Recommendations on Statelessness Statistics (IROSS) that will help improve data in the area. Close to one hundred participants from different sectors and regions joined the event.

Resources from the session: