26-28 October 2022
On 27 October 2022, EGRISS was invited to participate in the UNECE Group of Experts on Migration Statistics to present, alongside the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), on the relevance of the International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics (IRRS) for countries in the region (NB – 19 EGRISS country members are also UNECE members states).
Natalia Baal, Head of EGRISS Secretariat and Cinzia Conti, from ISTAT, together presented in a session dedicated to measuring refugee inflows. EGRISS’ presentation introduced the Recommendations and highlighted their relevance for UNECE member states, whilst ISTAT’s presentation provided a concrete example of how the Recommendations can be used in practice both to clarify statistics on the stock and flows of refugees and to guide methodologies for measuring integration.
The event provided a relevant platform to engage with countries participating in the group and experts from national statistical offices and other stakeholders actively working to improve national statistics on migration and refugees, particularly in response to the Ukrainian diaspora.