Central African Republic
2021 Harmonised Household
Living Conditions Survey
Drafted in collaboration with the Joint Data Center.
The Central African Republic (CAR) has suffered from decades of strife and instability which has negatively impacted the country’s development. The last major crisis, sparked in 2013, triggered a high number of displacements in its wake which further deteriorated in 2017 and 2018. As of December 2021, according to data from UNHCR and the government of CAR, an estimated 691,791 persons are internally displaced, representing nearly 15% of the national population[1].
However, detailed data on this vulnerable population is lacking. To remedy this situation, the Central African Institute of Statistics, Economic and Social Studies (ICASEES), in collaboration with the World Bank and UNHCR, and with support from the World Bank-UNHCR Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement (JDC), are working to ensure that the 2021 Harmonized Household Living Conditions Survey delivers detailed and meaningful insights on IDPs.

Harmonized Household Living Conditions Survey (EHCVM)
The Harmonized Household Living Conditions Survey (EHCVM) is a nationally representative survey that provides data on poverty and other socio-economic variables. Conducted in 2021, the survey aimed at reaching a total of 6,000 households nationally and an additional sample of 600 households in IDP sites.
With technical and financial support from the JDC[2] and the World Bank, ICASEES strengthened the IDP components of the survey. Importantly, the sample size allocated to IDP camps was increased, and a dedicated module on internal displacement was added to the survey questionnaire.
Based on the data collected, an analytical report is currently being developed, which will help inform government policy interventions as well as partners’ assistance related to this vulnerable segment of the population in CAR.
The use of the international recommendations
The development of the IDP module for the questionnaire of the EHCVM was directly informed by the International Recommendations on IDP Statistics (IRIS). The recommendations provided technical guidance on key variables and indicators to capture around the living conditions of IDPs, as well as on IDP identification.
This case study provides an important example of the inclusion of IDPs into existing national data collection processes. As highlighted in the IRIS, this facilitates high data quality and direct comparability between IDPs and other population groups, thus enabling targeted policies.
CAR’s experience in implementing the international recommendations further represents a good example of coordination between national statistical offices and international organizations. Collaboration between the ICASEES, JDC, World Bank and UNHCR allowed the survey to deliver highly relevant and much-needed socio-economic data on IDPs in CAR, ensuring national ownership and capacity building in the process.