Outcome Document: Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Implementing Guidance on Inclusive CRVS Systems

This report outlines the key discussions and action points from the Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Implementing Guidance on Inclusive CRVS Systems with a Focus on Forced Displacement, Statelessness and Children on the Move, which happened from 18 to 21 March 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. The event was guided by a highly participatory and interactive agenda developed collaboratively by ESCAP, UNHCR, EGRISS, UNICEF and IDAC, with over 40 representatives of 11 governments attending.

The document is a starter for discussions on ensuring inclusive CRVS systems across Asia, the Pacific and beyond. It is more elaborate than a regular workshop report as it outlines the key global and regional recommendations and guidance related to the different aspects of how to support inclusive CRVS systems.

International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics (IRRS)