EGRISS Newsletter: New Compilers’ Manual and E-learning
August 2023 edition of the EGRISS Newsletter which includes relevant information on the group’s highlights, activities, and achievements that took place during the second quarter of 2023.
August 2023 edition of the EGRISS Newsletter which includes relevant information on the group’s highlights, activities, and achievements that took place during the second quarter of 2023.
The Compilers’ Manual is a practical guide to support countries to put the International Recommendations on Refugee and IDP statistics into practice.
First issue of the EGRISS Methodological Paper Series. The collection of documents is intended as the Expert Group’s input to ongoing methodological debates.
2023 Flyer with key information on the work of the Expert Group on Refugee, IDP and Statelessness Statistics (EGRISS) including milestones achieved so far and priorities moving forward.
IDMC’s Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre’s Annual Global Report on internal displacement data and analysis.