Asia-Pacific Workshop on Inclusive CRVS Systems

18 – 21 March 2024

As a joint effort of several EGRISS members, including UNESCAP, UNHCR, UNICEF, and the International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC), countries in the Asia-Pacific region were invited to attend a workshop to discuss “Implementing Guidance on Inclusive CRVS Systems with a Focus on Forced Displacement, Statelessness, and Children on the Move.” The workshop took place in Bangkok, Thailand from the 18th – 21st March. Participants from the following countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Lao PDR, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Representatives from international organizations and academia were also present, including WHO, Bali process and IOM.

Against the backdrop of the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Decade in Asia and the Pacific, and given the connection between statelessness and CRVS systems, the workshop aimed to enhance Member States’ capacity to achieve inclusive CRVS systems. It also aimed to strengthen statistics on statelessness, forced displacement, and children on the move, by raising awareness of the IROSS and discussing opportunities for implementation.

Feedback from participants confirmed that the workshop successfully raised awareness of the international statistical recommendations and enhanced participants’ understanding of opportunities to advance inclusion of forcibly displaced and stateless persons in CRVS systems. The 4-day event underlined the importance of collaboration across governmental institutions to ensure adequate inclusion of these often-marginalized groups within administrative systems.

Building on the established regional platform, coordinated by UNESCAP, the workshop created a space where Member States could share their experiences and engage in peer-to-peer exchange, learning from each others’ experiences. Moving forward, a report will be available to consolidate the key takeaways and next steps, including virtual consultations to with countries.