Statelessness Statistics at the Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees Meeting

20th September 2023

The Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees (IGC) held a workshop on Addressing Statelessness in IGC Participating States in Geneva. Delegations of IGC participating states, including officials of national agencies working on topics related to statelessness, attended the workshop on the 20th of September 2023. The event covered a range of statelessness-related topics including statistical methods to estimate statelessness, the use of administrative procedures to identify stateless persons, challenges and successes of implementing statelessness determination procedures, and avenues to naturalization.

Three stateless persons, who are leading statelessness advocacy groups in IGC participating countries, presented their lived experiences of statelessness and the challenges identified in their work. The Statistics and Demographics Section within UNHCR, held a presentation at the meeting regarding the current state of global statelessness statistics. The presentation also drew the attention to the IROSS, as an important tool to improve statelessness statistics around the world. The importance of the IROSS was also reiterated by the United States, which was chairing the workshop and had recently announced additional future financial support for EGRISS and IROSS related activities.