Migration Statistics

The UN Expert Group on Migration Statistics (EGMS) was formally established in 2018 by the UN Statistical Commission at its forty-nineth session in 2018. Its membership includes 21 countries and 18 different international/regional organisations as well as a handful of subject-matter experts from academic institutions. The Secretariat of the Expert Group is based in the UNSD.

Although the Group’s objectives are broader (as per the terms of reference), a key focus of the Group’s work in recent years has concerned the revision of the International Recommendations on Migration Statistics form 1998.

The Group’s work is organised around five task forces:

  • 1: Data and Indicators Set on International Migration
  • 2: Key Concepts and Definitions related to International Migration
  • 3: Data Integration for Disaggregated Statistics on International Migration
  • 4: Data Sources for International Migration Statistics and Operationalisation of Revised Conceptual Framework
  • 5: Global Programme on Migration Statistics

The revised conceptual framework and accompanying definitions (developed by Task Force 2) were discussed and endorsed by the UN Statistical Commission it its 52nd session through its Decision 52/109. The Final Report on Conceptual frameworks and Concepts and Definitions on International Migration, thanks to technical guidance from UNHCR’s participation in the EGMS has been aligned with/incorporated the International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics (IRRS).


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