Leave No Migrant Behind: The 2030 Agenda and Data Disaggregation
A report that explores data disaggregation of displaced populations and how this contributes to leave no migrant behind, helping to achieve the goals established in the 2030 agenda.
A report that explores data disaggregation of displaced populations and how this contributes to leave no migrant behind, helping to achieve the goals established in the 2030 agenda.
This paper presents the progress of the EGRISS in developing International Recommendations on Statelessness Statistics (IROSS) as of February 2021.
Key takeaways from the EGRISS-UNHCR-UNFPA side event “Leaving No One Behind: Improving Statistics on Statelessness” at the margins of the UN Statistical Commission 2021.
Report jointly developed by UNHCR, JIPS and Stats4SD. It provides a review of the 12 SDG indicators that EGRISS recommends disaggregating by forced displacement and assesses the feasibility of measuring these indicators based on existing data.
Discussion paper part of IDRP Working Paper Series providing an overview of existing scholarship on internal displacement.