UNICEF – Missing from the story: The urgent need for better data to protect children on the move
IDAC’s first data insight describes the current situation of children on the move and explore how the global community can address data gaps on this area.
Making the most vulnerable visible: Data gaps and official statistics on forced displacement
Event report summarizing the discussions that took place during the JDC-EGRISS session at the United Nations World Data Forum 2021.
Improving official statistics on stateless people: Challenges, solutions, and the road ahead
Article published in the Statistical Journal of the IAOS highlighting the progress made to date by the EGRISS in the development of International Recommendations on Statelessness Statistics.
IOM’s Internal Displacement Data Strategy 2021-2025
This publication outlines IOM’s strategic path over the next five years to address the growing demand for IDP data.
EGRISS Newsletter – Sep 2021
The EGRISS newsletter highlights the progress made by the group during its third phase of work.
Building Capacity to improve Statistics on Forced Displacement
Report of the JIPS-EGRISS Conference 2020 summarizing main discussion points around capacity building on forced displacement statistics.
Shining a light on internal displacement. A vision for the future
Report of the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement describing the need for a paradigm shift when analyzing and responding to the global crisis of internal displacement.
UNHCR’s Global Trends – 2020
UNHCR’s annual report provides demographic information and global trends associated with forced displacement and statelessness as of 2020.
EGRISS Newsletter – May 2021
The EGRISS newsletter highlights the progress made by the group during its third phase of work.
Leave No Migrant Behind: The 2030 Agenda and Data Disaggregation
A report that explores data disaggregation of displaced populations and how this contributes to leave no migrant behind, helping to achieve the goals established in the 2030 agenda.
International Recommendations on Statelessness Statistics: Discussion Paper
This paper presents the progress of the EGRISS in developing International Recommendations on Statelessness Statistics (IROSS) as of February 2021.
Leaving No One Behind: Improving Statistics on Statelessness
Key takeaways from the EGRISS-UNHCR-UNFPA side event “Leaving No One Behind: Improving Statistics on Statelessness” at the margins of the UN Statistical Commission 2021.